Friday, October 31, 2008
Diwali Greetings

I am writing this after Diwali, as we need to sustain the spirit of Diwali for days, weeks and months... It is our choice !
TAMASOMA JYOTIRGAMAYA... Let us take the first step from darkness to Light. It is the personal choice of each one of us...
Happy Diwali...
The Appeal by John Grisham
John Grisham lives upto his reputation. A very gripping story, which looks so real. The story is definitely reflection of how the system is hijacked by a few to their own benefit. 'Krane Chemicals' is only an example. Ultimately each one of us contribute to the creation of such monsters around us. Author did not give a "happy ending", perhaps to make us think and act.
PS: Though very thought provoking, purely from the reading joy, I would not rate this book among the best of his books. Grisham still remains one of my favourite authors
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Mutual Fund
I saw the attachment to the mail. SO, straight away went to same to check the NPV. After almost a year, I am shocked to see the NPV fall below the investment figure. I feel responsible for the same. I do feel guilty...
What irritates me is the mail has the routine covering letter... specifies 'PLEASED TO ENCLOSE THE INVESTMENT SUMMARY...' !! :)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Kite Runner
This is one book, which was part of my list for quite sometime. When I started reading, I got hooked. Very few books have got me so hooked...
It captures the struggle of a country in strife. Author narrates the contemperory history of Afghanishan thru the lives of two children and the world around them... both in early childhood and subsequently when they grow up. The author keeps highlighting the negative part of the main character's personality.
An entire generation seem to be losing out on their childhood... Quite a moving story... Strongly recommended.
How to handle the Credit Cruch ?
GE's Immelt says, 'he is paranoid' ! That coming from the head of GE, is surprising. While the politicians and the beaurocracy around them try to figure out a way out of this universal financial mess. . . I do not have much of a hope.
Stories of personal losses are slowly coming in the media. And people say, this is just the beginning !!
Time to stay cool... Handle the crisis bravely. Focus on improving skill sets. And, do not forget to MEDITATE
Sachin Tendulkar climbs the summit
Sachin reached the pinnacle of test cricket, at Mohali.
Success is about turning stones into milestones… he said this evening, while addressing the press. Indeed… I am delighted. I am happy I could watch the last lap of ‘his journey’.
Harsha Bogle and Ajay Jadeja were at their best in the program anchored by Sonali.
Krish Srikant reiterated how he has remained the same young cricketer he was 19 yrs ago. Along with his cricket-performances, it is this character that endears Sachin to his million fans.
His performance at the crease is supposed to influence the moods of his fans across India and abroad. Harsha went a step further. Just as Sir Bradman was there to inspire the people while they suffered during Great Depression, Sachin’s performances would be like summer showers in present economic scenario, affected by the current eco crisis.
I fully agree with Ajay when he say, ‘Sachin was not under pressure for targets, like bankers’. How true J ! Only a banker, in today’s economic scenario can fully understand !!
Little Master stands tall, full of humility and character, among cricketers of past and present.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Blog Action Day 08
Many experts, mostly common man, today's financial crisis is the result of the greed of players in financial arena....
A crisis in any area of our lives first hit the common man, the poorest. There is so much poverty and suffering in the world. This needs the attention of every one of us
Jet Airways reinstates employees
We were happy to move from blue to silver to Gold and finally platinum. Not as a status symbol, but we all genuinely appreciated their quality of service. There were occassions when I felt if their attitude bordered on 'artificial and snobbish' levels. But overall, this brand always delivered quality, consistently. I felt they always had a great team, at all levels and at all customer touch points.
In my previous job, I had the opportunity to interact with some senior managers. I always enjoyed walking into their office at Andheri and interact with them. Later, the contract became a key acquisition and a prestigious account, obviously.
I was surprised to hear about their decision to sack their staff en-masse. Were they under so much of financial stress to take such a decision ? That too, quite 'unprofessional', from a corporate angle. The politicians were quick to interfere. But, I was more surprised to hear 'the emotional decision' of Mr Goyal, to reinstate every one of them. Was it under political pressure ?
Let us hope, 'the best Indian airline 2008", and one of India's best brands tide over this crisis and come out in their true style
Booker for Aravind Adiga
Aravind Adiga has won the prestigious Man Booker award for his The White Tiger.
Michael Portillo, chairman of judges, said the book was an impressive work…’in many ways perfect. It is quite difficult to find any structural flaws with it’.
It is supposed to be about a protagonist who uses any means to fulfill his dream of escaping his village life for success in big city. He is also being criticized for painting a negative picture of modern India and its huge underclass.
I have not read it. Will grab copy right away… (Standby for update !)
At 34, he was the youngest finalist. It was his first novel. Cool… That is very inspiring for lot of people (yours truly included) who dream of writing a book themselves!
What does it take to do A PERFECT JOB ? A perfect job, whatever be the area, is divine... or worthy of Divine Offering !