Thursday, February 24, 2011

India's truck drivers

All the stake holders of CV Industry are to blame for this, including mfrers, transport operators and agencies of government. 

Truck drivers continue to remain among the lowest strata of our society, as perhaps anywhere else in the world. 

With 80 % freight movement still on CV, we need to take care of the drivers and other staff. Something beyond mere driving schools, but something more holistic!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is India in danger of becoming a banana republic? How can we prevent this?

We have seen few banana republics opting to 'move on' ! 

'Morality in Society' is perhaps at the lowest, when it comes to India. Indeed, corruption is one of the major reasons. But at a finer level, we are losing what we our core values are...

Mad consumerism*, placing money above education ( a big shift) for example... We need to re-discover ourselves... our values

While I am tempted to add the crisis is at India's political leadership... but again, we created the so called leaders! The buck stops with US, Indians !

* PS : incidentally, when I read the article on DNA, the ad appeared was of KFC !!

Friday, February 11, 2011

20 ideas to make money online - Yahoo! India Specials

To all E-addicts :)

sharing this link, if it interests you... dear reader.

BTW, blogging is right on top.
Of course, many of us are into blogging for the sheer love for it, not to make a few extra bucks...
But, personally, I would not say 'no' to any incremental cashflow, as I would divert that totally to a good cause, over and above I am what doing currently as my personal responsibility

20 ideas to make money online - Yahoo! India Specials

Thursday, February 10, 2011

India's Black Money

why-india-sees-red-over-black-money : Kuldip Nayar

Acc to a Swiss bank report dated 2006, as much as $ 1.45 trillion Indian money is stashed away in Swiss banks... enough to 'eradicate poverty' ! But, the spineless political system will do nothing... Common man has to put pressure on the government to take this issue to its logical end. We need a proactive legal system to get the govt institutions to do their job, on this front. India's aam admi deserves it.

It is not enough if we 'sacrifice' one sunday and get on to the field.

Perhaps we need yet another Gandhi. Or pure, unadulterated  'Gandhigiri'. We can not allow few to hijack our economic agenda. It is also breaking our value system, by giving over-emphasis to 'being rich'