Reached Blore Wednesday-evening.
Was shocked to see the landscape - 'driest' ever !!
This garden-city would usually get summer-showers in May and it would be at its 'greenest' by July !
What have we done to this beautiful city ??!! Let us not shrug off our responsibility. We have converted the garden-city to a concrete city :(
Each one of us need to take responsibility for it. My love for the city... I looked up several times & actually prayed ... for showers..
Wondered, how many busy-Bangaloreans were actually taking few minutes to pray... Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu.
Thursday evening... at the end of my assignment, when I stepped out into the open, I was delighted to see clouds forming... I prayed again... would have joined multitudes in & around Blore to pray for rains.
Blissful bhajans at B T... most nostalgic and very, very SSpiritual. At the end of the session, in the silent-sitting, I was disturbed by the noise outside. The sound of rains !!!! Yes, it rained last evening. I joked to a friend, 'see, I have got some rains from amchi Mumbai' !!
The temperatures have dropped and it was good, old Blore. But, not clean & green, as it used to be.
But this evening,
Friday, it rained again.
Rain-Gods are doing their bit.
Let us save our environment, re-discover the green Blore... Come on, Bangaloreans !