Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Business Leader

Kevin Roberts, global CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi : excerpts from his interview....

  • Key to a successful campaign : All you need is love - Indeed…That is the case with anything...esp to reach a level of excellence
  • He accepts he is not a team player and would always like to lead a team - This is more than ‘autocratic’ style of leadership :)
  • His personal, and his company’s success depends on the next big idea & he is always focusing on it...
  • His main job is to inspire his 7000 plus employees - That should be the case with every leader, in every field of activity... INSPIRE !
  • In 2006, he developed the Lovemarks marketing technique - based on the idea that the strongest brands are the ones that establish an emotional connection with the consumers.
  • Today, he says, is the "age of the idea"
  • While dealing with Toyota, a senior there said ‘Kevin, you will never know more about cars than Toyota,but we will never know more about the people that buy them than Saatchi & Saatchi." "So to me the consumer is boss."

Role of business is to make the world a better place.....INSPIRING STUFF

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