Saturday, September 03, 2011

Random Notes From Puttaparthi - July 11

A short trip ‘home’ and now returning to Karma bhoomi... As the flight was about to land, I checked time. Flight was on time…

While at Kochi, a friend looked curiously at my watch & asked, 'you did not pick up a new watch?' He was surprised when I told him that was a gift from Baba. He was taken aback when I told 'it was created'!

Another friend was 'clean-bowled' when I shared the story behind my ring- Baba had 'replaced an old ring by a merely blowing air in to it' ! The world calls it a miracle. Baba used to say, 'it was mere visiting card'. Yes, for the recipient, it was a unique experience of His love, grace & protection. For records, my marriage-ring does not fit me anymore, but this ring materialized six years prior to my wedding (1994), still fits!! Though affordability is not an issue, nothing else can come near these precious, precious gifts. While these are most valuable possessions, I have rarely spent on such fancy luxuries. That is how He helps in my efforts to practice 'Ceiling on Desires', 9th of His 9 Point Code of Conduct. That is my humble effort to Live SSpiritually !

I was told the media had reported first about treasure unearthed from Yajur Mandir. But the world will have no clue what it means to go through the process of being a witness to creation from mid-air 

A short trip 'home', Prashanthi Nilayam, Puttaparthi ! My fourth this year. Each of the trips has been totally different.

In January, Bhagwan Baba blessed me profusely, through His Sudarshan (acknowledging presence or my 'existence'!),  Sparshan ( when He blessed with Padanamaskar) and Sambhashan (when He spoke to me!). It was just blissful! I have always wondered 'why me?'! He has confirmed it was not past karma or sadhana, but just His Grace, I just read recently.

From the blissful-zenith in January,  it was veritable sorrowful-nadir in April.

After April 24, life was never going to be same again for me, and for so many others. Just got to pull together and move on. After all, owe it to Baba.

In May I was back for my son's admission to Sai school at Puttaparthi. He always wanted to be a Sai Student, like his father. His mother wanted only that route ahead, for our only child, even if it meant separation-pangs. I was very sad he would miss the joy of Baba's Physical presence. But I think he  will have the opportunity to connect with the Master at a higher level, straightaway.

For generations to come, as mankind understand the Sai-Phenomenon in its grandeur, one of Baba's lasting contribution to humanity will be His concept of education, or EDUCARE. His concept of selfless love, service, spiritual upliftment, etc., will surely be very big. But the I feel His Mission will unfold through His EDUCARE program. 

At Kulwant hall, the stage where Baba used to sit giving Darshan, had the temporary Maha Samadhi, covered with flowers. How lucky the flowers were, I thought. As hundreds of devotees marched past with folded hands & weeping heart, several times my vision went blur, due to the tears swelling much we all missed Bhagwan...

Again, I was back, in July-end. This time to join alumni from N America. Unlike other universities, our alumni get-togethers are very different.

Living away from India, not addicted to TV ( esp current affairs), is at times beneficial. The negativity reported by press on Sri Sathya Sai Trust has been most shocking. Most of it with minimal research or even basic enquiry. How media gets stuck in the frenzy for TRP !! The media forgot a big section of their readers & viewers belonged to the categories of devotees, beneficiaries of the service projects, well-wishers, etc. For the members of org & devotees, they were going through the saddest moments in their lives. The media will move on to the next big story and forget about all their earlier reports. Of course, no anger towards the media. I pity them. By reporting untruth, they were not doing their jobs right, in the true spirit of Karma yoga.  Also, they were accumulating some bad Karmas. My sincere prayers are with them.

Way back in 1980's, out of sheer ignorance, ego, misplaced sense of intelligence, as a teenager I had criticized Baba. But I was fortunate to get a chance to experience Divinity. Life has since been a beautiful journey since then. It can not get any better than just trying to live by His ideals and make Him the fulcrum of my existence.

From Puttaparthy, we proceeded to Kerala, before returning to my karma-bhhomi,  in Middle East.  Guruvayoor seemed a very logical stop-over.  This temple of Krishna came up immediately after Krishna-Avtaar.

Of course, the other famous temple in Kerala is in news… thanks to the treasure unearthed in Sri Padmanabha Swamy temple in TVM. As a fellow-alumni mentioned at Parthi, ‘the Lord has left so much wealth within our hearts… we should try to discover those treasures ‘

As the flight touched down, we (wife & me) were joining  son (& my mom) in counting number of days for next trip home, Puttaparthy. But till then, and beyond, His message to the world is more relevant. we have a responsibility to live by His ideals.

'I asked Gods for all things in life, SAI gave me life so that I could enjoy all things'

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