Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thrash Can

We live a life of comfort... 

This morning, I felt guilty of not switching off the geyzer. I was not being environmentally responsible :(

Then entered kitchen for my water-therapy ( still stuck at phase-1, just one glass of H20 !)
I looked at the thrash in the basket - no waste at all, surely. But, the packaging/plastic/etc to make our foodstuff remain hygeinic & tasty. And, all that goes in to the earth. I felt more guilty...

In our effort to live a comfortable life, we continue to pollute Earth, big time... !

I silently prayed for apology to Mother Earth... I promised to be a little more responsible, environmentally. 

We all need to make these small adjustments, quickly. We have no much time left to make these small shifts... 
It is our choice. Let us make a wise choice and 'stick to the agreement' with ourselves, with Divinity. 

1 comment:

tmgsays said...

Very important for all of us to do our bit